2006-04-19 : - The celebration - "Nyíló Akác" 2006
The "Nyíló Akác " 2006 celebrations are scheduled to open on the third week of next month, on May 18, ending on May 21.
Beside the traditional schedule this year, the organizers planning to host the following celebrities:
- the Romanian " DJ Project" ,
- the "Groove House" band from Hungary
- and likewise Hungarian "LL Junior" and Fero Nagy.
Due to the rainy season of the past few weeks, the water level rose to an extreme level especially on lower grounds, burdening local administrations including Ermihalyfalva.
As you can observe browsing through the pictures, communities are facing threat of floodwater damage as it extends from farmlands to the residential areas.
The picture was taken near the train station facing the "Répáskert" and the "Százhold". In the course of the past few days, the mayor's administration made significant efforts to reduce the water level by employing sump pumps.
2006-04-13 : - Street closure on Érmihályfalva
Today, April 26, 2006 there was a street closure on Ermihalyfalva's Main Street on the section between the Health Administrations Department and the Agricultural High School. The Confederation of Romanian Democrats initiated the movement.
The inland water level is very high and there arent enough gutters and therfore a house partially collapsed.
In the meantime they have to pump out the water to aliviate the floded places.