Welcome all, and thank you for checking in.
As a proud resident of Ermihalyfalva ( Valea lui Mihai ), I prepared this page, including lots of pictures and text to provide an insight into our community.
I am hopeful that my efforts will please not only the locals but also everyone else who’s related to our town, by any means.
Naturally, all pictures here are my creation, with the exception of the very old ones that I obtained from the United States.
I’m planning to include other material in the near future, as this page will expand and gets even more attractive.I welcome your opinion or any comments you may have.
This page will go trough several stages and transitions before the final work can be completed, also special care will be taken so you can find information here always up to date.
I hope your visit here was a positive experience, please come back soon!
Last update on 27.04.2006